Home :: Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)

Hermann's tortoises are small to medium sized tortoises that come from southern Europe. Young animals, and some adults, have attractive black and yellow patterned carapaces, although the brightness may fade with age to a less distinct gray, straw or yellow coloration. The eastern subspecies Testudo hermanni boettgeri is much larger than the western, reaching sizes up to 11 inches in length. T. h. hermanni rarely grow larger than 7.5 inches. Some adult specimens are as small as 3 inches.

In order to keep Hermann's tortoise in a temperate climate, the pen must be placed in a very sunny location. The most important part of the pen is a tortoise house that they can use as a shelter. The floor should consist of substrate as in the wild to enable burying and thermoregulation. They leave the house in the early morning to warm themselves and then begin to eat. They should be provided with a wide range of edibles. They eat for about an hour before returning to the house. In the late afternoon, they come out again for a second meal. They can be kept outdoors approximately from mid-March to the end of October.

Hermann’s tortoises are herbivores and love to have natural food in its diet. Natural food that is rich in fiber, calcium and low in proteins and fats is good for Hermann’s tortoise. Vegetables such as carrot, cucumber and other green leafy vegetables can be fed as well. Try to provide edible landscape for your tortoises such as grasses, cactus, wildflowers and plants.

Hermann’s tortoises need to be kept between 85-95 degrees during the day and the temperature can drop to about 65 at night. These tortoises are capable of hibernating if kept outdoors.